May 12, 2023

Save nature: Open your eyes and look around you




Alastair Macdonald

Nature is suffering as people take up more and more space on planet Earth. Yet most of us don't even notice. A new film wants to show us what we're missing and encourage us to look after our wild neighbours.

We share our planet with millions of other species, of animals and plants. And all of these species, ourselves included, depend on a delicate balance among them. But people have pushed the natural world out of balance. In barely 30 years, Europe has lost 80% of its flying insects, for example.

To help us take notice of what's going wrong - and to encourage us to live in a way that will give nature a better break - famous French photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand has brought together 1,000 hours of amazing video of wild animals in France, filmed by 200 keen nature film-makers.

The resulting film, "Vivant" (Alive), will be shown on France 2 television on 23 May. Come and meet its producer, Florent Gilard, speaking to the WoW! News app and get an early taste of the amazing animals living on our European doorstep.

Find out more

Check out the film's trailer here.

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